Oxfordshire Artweeks

Oxfordshire Artweeks in Chadlington

2024  -  The Line That Draws The Eye, portraits drawn in less than five minutes.

2023  -  FarmART@FarmED, Artwork from of year long residency.

2022  -  Body Of Work, Nudes and People at Work

2021  -  Barely There, Minimal Line Figures

2019  -  Looking At You. Abstract Art Cards

2018  -  Gestural Gestation. Vestal Vessels

2017  -  Still Moving. Abstract Landscape, Vestal Vessels

2016  -  Still Moving Figure. Abstract Landscapes, Thomson's Table

2015   -  Still Moving Figure, paintings and drawings,  ArtLights.

2014   -  Abstract Landscapes + nudes, paintings + drawings

2013   -  Painting and drawings, original-art gift bags.

2012  -   Paintings and drawings, original art gift bags.

2011  -   Life Drawings, original art gift bags.

2010  -   Life Drawings, wire candlesticks.

2009  -   Life Drawings, portraits  and abstract landscapes.

2008  -   Life Drawings, Artist in Residence, drawing the village.

2007  -   Cob Cottage Gallery, Drawing of the human form and animals.

2006  -   Cob Cottage with Wendy Freestone